9:30 受付開始
9:55-10:00 開会挨拶
10:00-11:30 「VLDB 2011 国際会議報告 Part 1 ~会議の概要と目玉講演~」
カンファレンスであるVLDB 2011について報告する。本報告のPart 1
では、VLDB 2011の投稿数や採択率といった統計データについて紹介
すると共に、キーノートや10 Year Best PaperおよびBest Paperに
キーノートは2件あり、O'Reilly Mediaの創立者でCEOでもある
Tim O'Reilly氏と、MicrosoftのDavid Campbell氏が講演した。
“Global Brain”、いわば全地球頭脳に対する心構えを述べた。
もう一方のCampbell氏はSQL Serverの開発に深く関わってきた人物で
10 Year Best Paper Awardはこの10年で大きな影響を与えた論文に
贈られる賞であり、VLDB 2001の“Generic Schema Matching with Cupid”
が与えた影響が評価され、Philip A. Bernstein氏、Jayant Madhavan氏、
Erhard Rahm氏ら3名が受賞した。また、今年の論文から選ばれるBest
Paperには、ウォータールー大学のUmar Farooq Minhas氏らによる論文が
Best Paperに関しては論文の内容を詳しく説明する。
11:30-13:00 昼休み
13:00-14:30 「VLDB 2011 国際会議報告 Part 2 ~いま、そしてこれからの研究課題~」
本報告のPart 2では、2つ行われたパネルのうちの1つと、新しく登場し
たセッションであるChallenges and Visionの発表を紹介する。時間に
Ed Lazowska氏がモデレータを務めたパネルでは、パネラーだけでなく
Challenges and Visionは発展途上の研究課題を広く募集したセッション
そこで本報告のPart 2では、将来の研究課題に関する議論をふまえつつ、
今年発表された論文やChallenges and Visionで発表された研究課題につ
14:30-14:50 休憩
14:50-15:40 「Web検索を支える大規模分散システムの安定運用とその課題」
(参考)最先端研究開発支援プログラム(FIRST)主催 招待講演会
16:00-16:40 「From Real-World Co-occurrences to Social Connections」
Professor Cyrus Shahabi (University of Southern California, USA)
In this talk, I first introduce the vision, research and
projects of the Integrated Media Systems Center (IMSC), a
graduated NSF Engineering Research Center at USC in the area of
multimedia. The current research focus of IMSC is on a new
geo-socio-temporal computing paradigm, termed Geo-Immersion.
Geo-Immersion enables humans to capture, model and integrate
real-world data into a geo-realistic virtual replica of the world
for immersive data access, querying and analysis. It encompasses
research in many interesting topics such as multimedia,
participatory-sensing, privacy, trust, web, geospatial and
temporal data management, etc. But more importantly, it brings up
new fundamental research challenges in computer and social
sciences to study the fusion of human behaviors in the real and
virtual worlds.
Thus, for the rest of the talk, we will take a closer look
at one of these challenges by focusing on how people's behavior
in the real world can be used to infer their social connections in
the virtual world. Towards this end, I introduce a new geo-social
model that derives social activities from the history of people's
movements in the real world, i.e., who has been where and when.
In particular, from spatiotemporal histories, we infer real-world
co-occurrences - being there at the same time - and then use
co-occurrences to quantify social distances between any two persons.
We show that straightforward approaches either do not scale or may
overestimate the strength of social connections by giving too much
weight to coincidences.
16:40-17:20 「Building ICT-based Systems to Improve Agriculture Productivity:
eSagu and eAgromet」
Professor P. K. Reddy (IIIT, Hyderabad, India)
We are making research efforts to build two ICT-based agriculture
information dissemination systems, eSagu and eAgromet, to help
farmers in enhancing agricultural productivity. Over last seven
years, we are investigating the building of eSagu system, an
ICT-based personalized agricultural advisory system, to provide
personalized (farm-specific) agro-expert advice to the farmer’s
door-step in a timely manner. In this system, the agricultural
experts generate the advice by using the latest information about
the crop situation received in the form of both photographs and
text. Using eSagu system, agricultural expert advice has been
delivered to about 6000 farms in 100 villages covering 15 major
crops in Andhra Pradesh, India. It has been found that the
expert advices have helped the farmers to achieve significant
savings in the capital investment and improvement in the yield.
In this year, we have started researching the building of an
eAgromet system, an ICT-based agro-mateorological advisory system,
to ease the preparation and dissemination of weather-prediction
based agromet advice bulletins. In this talk, with talk about
the conception, work carried out and future plans related to both
eSagu and eAgromet systems.
17:20-17:30 閉会 |