DBSJの皆様、 7月19日(木)に下記のとおり、講演会を開催いたします。 ふるってご参加ください。 ------------------------------------------------------------------- ☆☆☆ 7月19日 講演会のご案内 ☆☆☆ 共催 日本データベース学会 ACM SIGMOD日本支部 電子情報通信学会東京支部 日時 7月19日(木) 午後12時半〜午後3時45分 場所 東京大学生産技術研究所 プレハブ食堂・会議棟 2階 第4会議室 http://www.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/map/index.html プログラム 12:30-13:30 Countering Web Spam with Credibility-Based Link Analysis Prof. Ling Liu (Georgia Institute of Technology) 13:30-13:35 休憩 13:35-14:35 Automated Application Deployment and Staging using Code Generation in Elba Project Prof. Calton Pu (Georgia Institute of Technology) 14:35-14:40 休憩 14:40-15:40 Spatial Alarms: Scalable Architecture and Energy-efficient Processing Techniques Prof. Ling Liu (Georgia Institute of Technology) 参加費 無料 参加ご希望の方は、 日本データベース学会のホームページにて ( http://www.dbsj.org/ ) 会員登録の後(会費無料、すでに登録されている方は結構です)、 sigmodj_lecture@tkl.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jpに 添付の参加申込書をお送り下さい。 皆様のご参加をお待ちしております。 日本データベース学会 国際関係委員会 委員長 (ACM SIGMOD日本支部 支部長) 横田 治夫 連絡先 中野 美由紀 連絡(問合せ)先 日本データベース学会、 ACM SIGMOD 日本支部 sigmodj_lecture@tkl.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp http://www.dbsj.org/ ----------------------------------------------------------------- To: sigmodj_lecture@tkl.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp 日本データベース学会・ACM SIGMOD日本支部共催 講演会 参加申し込み 7月19日(木)の講演会に参加 ・名前 ・ご所属 ------------------------------------------------------------------ プログラム 1.Countering Web Spam with Credibility-Based Link Analysis Prof. Ling Liu (Georgia Institute of Technology) As the Web has grown and increasingly become the primary portal for sharing information and supporting online commerce, there has been a rise in efforts to manipulate (or spam) how users view and interact with the Web. A prominent example of this Web spam is the targeted manipulation of link-based ranking systems to increase the rankings (and, hence, the amount of user traffic) of particular Web pages, regardless of the intrinsic merits of those pages. Interestingly, popular link-based Web ranking algorithms like PageRank, HITS, and TrustRank rely on a fundamental assumption that the quality of a page and the quality of a page's links are the same. In this talk, we analyze link-based web spasm and propose the concept of link credibility and argue that the intrinsic quality of a page in terms of its content should be distinguished from its intrinsic link credibility. Concretely, we propose several techniques for semi-automatically assessing link credibility for all Web pages, since manually determining the link redibility of every page on the Web is infeasible. Second, we propose a novel credibility-based Web ranking algorithm -- CredibleRank. The new ranking algorithm incorporates link credibility information directly into the quality assessment of each page on the Web. CredibleRank effectively counters the influence of link hijacking, honeypots, and other spammer attacks that seek to corrupt link-based algorithms. Finally, we introduce concrete metrics for measuring the spam-resilience properties of ranking algorithms and show how the proposed credibility-based ranking algorithm outperforms both PageRank and TrustRank over real-world Web data of over 100 million pages. Biography: Dr. Ling Liu is an Associate Professor in the College of Computing at Georgia Institute of Technology. There she directs the research programs in Distributed Data Intensive Systems Lab (DiSL), examining performance, security, privacy, and data management issues in building large scale network centric and data intensive systems and applications. Dr. Liu and the DiSL research group have been working on various aspects of distributed data intensive systems, ranging from decentralized overlay networks, mobile computing and location based services, sensor network and event stream processing, to service oriented computing and architectures. She has published over 200 international journal and conference articles in the areas of Internet Computing systems, Internet data management, distributed systems, and information security. Her research group has produced a number of open source software systems, among which the most popular ones include WebCQ, XWRAPElite, PeerCrawl. She has chaired a number of conferences as a PC chair, vice PC chair, or a general chair, including IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2004, ICDE 2006, ICDE 2007), IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing (ICDCS 2006), IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2004), CreateNet-ICST Collaborative Computing Conference (CollaborateCom 2005, 2006), ACM International Conference on Knowledge and Information Management (CIKM 2000). Dr. Liu is currently on the editorial board of several international journals, including IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, International Journal of Very Large Database systems (VLDBJ), International Journal of Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications (Springer), International Journal of Web Services Research, Wireless Network Journal (WINET). Dr. Liu is the recipient of the best paper award of ICDCS 2003, the best paper award of WWW 2004, a recipient of 2005 Pat Goldberg Memorial Best Paper Award, and a recipient of IBM faculty award in 2003 and 2006. Dr. Liu’s research is primarily sponsored by NSF, DARPA, DoE, and IBM. 2. Automated Application Deployment and Staging using Code Generation in Elba Project Prof. Calton Pu (Georgia Institute of Technology) ABSTRACT Large N-Tier applications running in data centers have complex deployment requirements and dependencies that change frequently. The increasing complexity and scalability requirements of such applications demand automated design, testing, deployment and monitoring of applications. The goal of Elba project is creating automated staging and testing of complex enterprise systems before deployment to production. Automating the staging process lowers the cost of testing applications and improves its reliability. Elba software tools extract test parameters from production specifications, such as SLAs, and deployment specifications, and via the Mulini generator, create staging plans for the application. A benchmark application, the TPC-W, is used to validate the generated configuration. Simple learning tools identify system bottlenecks and refine application deployments based on performance and cost. Biography : Calton Pu was born in Taiwan and grew up in Brazil. He received his PhD from University of Washington in 1986 and served on the faculty of Columbia University and Oregon Graduate Institute. Currently, he is holding the position of Professor and John P. Imlay, Jr. Chair in Software at the College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology. He is currently working on three areas. First, he is using automated code generation techniques to automate and ensure the correct deployment of large scale N-tier applications in the Elba project. Second, he is investigating software and statistical techniques to defend against Denial of Information attacks in areas such as email and web spam. Third, he is working on the application of specialization and other techniques to ensure the reliability, trust, and security of system and application software. He has been the principal investigator of the Infosphere, Synthetix, and Immunix projects, with technical contributions such as Epsilon Serializability, Reflective Transaction Framework, and Continual Queries over the Internet. His collaborations include applications of these techniques in scientific research on macromolecular structure data, weather data, and environmental data, as well as in industrial settings. He has published more than 50 journal papers and book chapters, 150 conference and refereed workshop papers, and served on more than 100 program committees, including the co-PC chairs of SRDS'95, ICDE・9, COOPIS・2, SRDS・3, and co-general chair of ICDE'97, CIKM'01, ICDE・6. 3. Spatial Alarms: Scalable Architecture and Energy-efficient Processing Techniques Prof. Ling Liu (Georgia Institute of Technology) Time based alarms are used by many on a daily basis. Spatial alarms extend the very same idea to location based triggers, which are fired whenever a mobile user enters the spatial region of the location alarms. Spatial alarms provide critical capabilities for many mobile location based applications ranging from personal assistants, inventory tracking to industrial safety warning systems. In this talk we present a scalable architecture for energy efficient processing of spatial alarms, while maintaining low computation and storage costs on mobile clients. Two important architectural designs are considered: Client-based and Sever-based solutions. In client based architecture, we focus on efficient techniques for processing spatial alarms while minimizing energy consumption on mobile clients. In Sever-based architecture, we focus on systematic methods for indexing spatial alarms, enabling efficient processing of public alarms, group-shared spatial alarms and private spatial alarms. In this talk we will first introduce the concept of safe distance to reduce the number of unnecessary mobile client wakeups for spatial alarm evaluation, enabling mobile clients to sleep for longer intervals of time in the presence of active spatial alarms. We show that our safe distance techniques can significantly minimize the energy consumption on mobile clients compared to periodic wakeups while preserving the accuracy and timeliness of spatial alarms. Second, we present a suite of techniques for minimizing the number of location triggers to be checked for spatial alarm evaluation upon each wakeup. This further reduces the computation cost and energy expenditure on mobile clients. We evaluate the scalability and energy-efficiency of our approach using a road network simulator. Our spatial alarms middleware architecture offers significant improvements on battery lifetime of mobile clients, while maintaining high quality of spatial alarm services, especially compared to the conventional approach of periodic wakeup and checking all alarms upon wakeup. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 中野 美由紀 東京大学 生産技術研究所 喜連川研究室 Miyuki NAKANO Institute of Industrial Science, Univ. of Tokyo miyuki@tkl.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp