
ACM SIGMOD日本支部 講演会(チュートリアル)

「Learning in Query Optimization」

講演者:Volker Markl (IBM Almaden Research Center)
日時:2006年09月08日(金) 17:00 - 18:00
開催場所東京大学生産技術研究所 E棟 会議室A(Ew-501)
主催:日本データベース学会・ACM SIGMOD日本支部 共催
支部長:北川 博之


Database Systems let users specify queries in a declarative language
like SQL. Most modern DBMS optimizers rely upon a cost model to choose
the best query execution plan (QEP) for any given query.  Cost estimates
are heavily dependent upon the optimizer's estimates for the number
of rows that will result at each step of the QEP for complex
queries involving many predicates and/or operations.  These estimates,
in turn, rely upon statistics on the database and modeling assumptions
that may or may not be true for a given database. In the first part
of our talk, we present research on learning in query optimization
that we have carried out at the IBM Almaden Research Center. We
introduce LEO, DB2's LEarning Optimizer, as a comprehensive way to
repair incorrect statistics and cardinality estimates of a query
execution plan. By monitoring executed queries, LEO compares the
optimizer's estimates with actuals at each step in a QEP, and computes
adjustments to cost estimates and statistics that may be used during the
current and future query optimizations. LEO introduces a feedback loop
to query optimization that enhances the available information on the
database where the most queries have occurred, allowing the optimizer
to actually learn from its past mistakes.
In the second part of the talk, we describe how the knowledge gleaned by
LEO is exploited consistently in a query optimizer, by adjusting the
optimizer's model and by maximzing information entropy.