
ACM SIGMOD日本支部 講演会(チュートリアル)

「The Making of TPC-DS」

講演者:Dr. Meikel Poess (ORACLE)
日時:2006年09月26日(火) 11:45 - 12:45
開催場所東京大学生産技術研究所 E棟 5F 会議室(Ee-502)
主催:日本データベース学会・ACM SIGMOD日本支部 共催
支部長:北川 博之


For the last decade, the research community and the industry have used
 TPC-D and its successor TPC-H to evaluate performance of decision
 support technology.  Recognizing a paradigm shift in the industry the
 Transaction Processing Performance Council has developed a new Decision
 Support benchmark, TPC-DS, expected to be released this year. From an
 ease of benchmarking perspective it is similar to past benchmarks.
 However, it adjusts for new technology and new approaches the industry
 has embarked on in recent years.  My talk focuses on describing the main
 characteristics of TPC-DS, explaining why some of the key decisions were
 made and which performance aspects of decision support system are
 measured.  If time permits, I will also go over some queries to show the
 difference between TPC-H and TPC-DS SQL.